Our Quality Assurance system meets the requirements of CAR 573 and CAR 561. We also hold a Controlled Goods Certificate.
MC2 maintains a progressive audit program to ensure that all company maintenance and manufacturing functions are verified within a 12-month period. The objective of our Quality Assurance Program is to verify that maintenance practices comply with Transport Canada Regulations, our Maintenance Policy Manual, Quality Control Procedures, Customer Requirements and that our AMO has the ability to perform maintenance in a safe manner.
At MC2, we’ve consistently been recognized by the Aircraft Electronics Association for our longstanding commitment to education, training and professional development.
We receive hundreds of requests to complete Supplier Self-Audits. The following documents are available for download:
- Transport Canada Maintenance Certificate AMO 59-97
- Transport Canada Manufacturing Certificate 59-97
- Mid-Canada Mod Center Capabilities List
Under US Federal Aviation Regulation 14 CFR 43.17, Mid-Canada Mod Center holds privileges similar to that of a US FAA Repair Station, and the supplement section in our Maintenance Policy Manual (MPM) meets the requirements of the Maintenance Implementation Procedure (MIP) for 14 CFR Part 121 and Part 135 aircraft.